Friday, October 22, 2010

Follow Through

I have a problem with follow through.

I have some great ideas - fun things I'd like to do, serious things I should do, crazy things I probably shouldn't do! Some of these things happen, come to completation, some will remain as a 'should-of' that I will think back on and let go or regret.

Take this blog for instance. When I started this, it wasn't really supposed to be a continuous place to dump my thoughts. It started as a place to post our adoption profile so when people asked to see it I could direct them here to have a look (pretty proud of that profile by the way).

So... why am I here?
I've gone back to work as a Parent Educator (I know, right!). I worked through last school year and I'm back for this school year. I get to meet with about 70 parents each week and talk about our wonderful little blessings! One of the topics I did last year was 'capturing memories' and I found and shared and heard great ideas for ways to keep the memories as our children grow.

I wanted to start keeping a 'journal' of the fun things my boys say and do. I started with a note book writing by hand - guess how long that lasted - there might be 3 entries for each of my sons - gotta keep it fair as I envision them finding these in the future and keeping tally of who I wrote about more. FOLLOW THROUGH - NOT!!

Then I thought - I'm always on my lap top - I will just type a letter in 'word' to my boys at least once a week. I did that in July - I think I did 2. FOLLOW THROUGH - NOT!!

I do post on Facebook - and by the way, I love when people comment about me being on Facebook 'all the time' and I just have to say the only way you would know if I'm on Facebook is if you are too! Enough said on that. But, even though I post on fb I need a place to write more - collect stories.

So, here we go. My attempt to journal the fun things my boys say and do! Why? 1. Because they are so darn cute! 2. Because I love reading back on what I have written and Carson loves hearing the stories when he was little, and someday Dayne will too and 3. Because 'This Too Shall Pass' - these wonderful and precious moments that happen as life passes by. I want to remember these days... the good and the bad, This Too Shall Pass.

FOLLOW THROUGH? I sure hope so!

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